Zuru X-shot Hyper Gel Small Blaster- Pack of 5k Gellets

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Zuru X-shot Hyper Gel Small Blaster- Pack of 5k Gellets

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It's time to get hyped up with X-Shot Hyper Gel! The X-Shot Hyper Gel Clutch can blast Hyper Gel Pellets at 150 feet per second. The Clutch uses a manual slide to prime mechanism to fire in fully and semi automatic modes. The Clutch has a 100 Pellet capacity hopper, when you run out of Gel Pellets simply flip your blaster to reload from the 400 Pellet capacity mag. Stocked with 5,000 Hyper Gel Pellets and protective eyewear, just add water to start the ultimate Gel Blaster battle! Get Hyped: The X-Shot Hyper Gel Clutch can blast Hyper Gel Pellets at 150 feet per second. Fully and Semi Automatic: The Clutch uses a manual slide to pri...